Remember that one episode in Lost, where Kate and Sawyer help Alex save Karl? They find him in a hatch, strapped to a chair with these glowing glasses on and pictures flashing on the screen in front of him.

That's pretty much what happened to me this morning, minus the glasses (I got a lame salt-water-soaked-net-thing instead). I have this sneaking suspicion it wasn't really a "study"... but that it was, instead, where they send unmarried BYU students before they graduate. You know. To brainwash them. Obviously we missed a memo somewhere along the way...
they brain was you to promise to have at least 19 children, always where BYU shirts, send all your children there, and always donate.
suckkkkkka. they'll never get me.
That's weird. They did the "study" on me before I started my freshman year.
And no, I do not remember that episode of Lost. Since when do you watch Lost?
There's a lot of things I'd do for $50.
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